
Showing posts from February, 2021


COMPRESSOR : Compressor , device for increasing the pressure of a gas by mechanically decreasing its volume. Air is the most frequently compressed gas but natural gas, oxygen, nitrogen, and other industrially important gases are also compressed. Compressors supply the air flow for all equipment in a system. Air compressors work in two phases: the compression operation and the release operation. The purpose of an air compressor is to convert power (using an electric motor, diesel or gasoline engine, etc.) into potential energy stored in pressurized air (i.e., compressed air). By one of several methods, an air compressor forces more and more air into a storage tank, increasing the pressure. Working of a compressor :   Heart of the air conditioning system The Air Conditioning Process Your air conditioner pulls warm air through return air vents in rooms throughout your house


What are Chiller Systems? ·           Commercial buildings use Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning ( HVAC ) systems to dehumidify and to cool the building. Modern commercial buildings seek efficient HVAC systems and components as part of broader initiatives centered on building performance and sustainability. Building occupants similarly carry great expectations, that  the HVAC  system will   function as intended . . . to create a comfortable interior environment regardless of the conditions external to the building. ·          Chillers have become an essential HVAC component of a wide   variety of commercial facilities, including hotels, restaurants, hospitals, sporting arenas, industrial and manufacturing   plants, etc. The industry has long recognized that chiller systems represent the single largest consumer of electrical usage in most facilities. They can easily consume more than 50% of the total electrical usage during seasonal periods. According to the US